Hello Everyone!
We just wanted to let everyone know that after 30 years of coming to Winnipeg to do veterinary ophthalmology consults, Dr Grahn has finally decided to officially retire.
His last 2 clinics will be July 12-14th and August 24-26th.
We want to thank you all for your continued referrals and support.
We want to thank Dr Grahn for always being there for our amazing clients whether he was here in Winnipeg or in Saskatoon. He was an awesome boss and we will miss seeing him every month.
Please watch for our email introducing the new ophthalmologist who will be taking over for Dr Grahn and permanently located in Winnipeg.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at mbeyeclinic@gmail.com.
Thank you
Cathy and Cheryl