Please use the map below to explore the opportunities available to veterinarians in Manitoba.
For any questions or concerns, please contact
To have your advertisement added to the map below, please click here.
The MVMA aims to provide relevant, low cost, job postings on its website for jobs that may be of interest to veterinarians as a service to members. Your classified advertisement will be posted on the MVMA website on the Careers page, found readily in the main menu. Your advertisement will reach veterinarians, across Manitoba, as well as veterinary professionals looking to practice in Manitoba. Please note that this resource is now focused on veterinarian practice opportunities in Manitoba only
The MVMA will not advertise for veterinary technologist positions, as the Manitoba Veterinary Technologists Association provides job postings relevant to Veterinary Technologists. For Veterinary Technologist job postings, please see the MVTA website at:
To apply to have a job posting advertised on the MVMA website, the please
*Please note that fees are not prorated
To ensure that job postings are accurate and relevant:
Changes to a Job Posting can be made following the payment of a Job Posting Edit Fee of $50.
All active Job Postings will be charged the Job Posting Fee at the beginning of each fiscal year (July of each year).
Please email with any questions or concerns.