Motic phase contrast microscope. Very good condition. It has an external screen that is damaged. A new one can be sourced from Intraquip.
$4000 OBO
Contact: Dr. Fawcett Taylor
The Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) is seeking a new RVT representative to be part of the MVMA Peer Review Committee (PRC). The role of an RVT representative is to work on a sub-committee and review/investigate complaints against MVMA members and reach decisions regarding these complaints within the framework of The Veterinary Medical Act and the General By-laws of the MVMA as part of a Peer Review Complaints Committee (PRCC). All PRCC members must approach each complaint as impartially as possible.
For more information, or if you are interested in joining the Peer Review Committee, please contact the MVMA Deputy Registrar, Barb Kryzanowski via email at
We are excited to announce that the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) has been awarded $200,000 in government funding over the next two years to address Manitoba’s growing shortage of veterinary professionals, especially in rural and remote areas. The MVMA received a grant through the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership that will enable us to execute targeted initiatives designed to recruit, retain, and enhance the roles of veterinary professionals across the province. Below is a look at each funded project:
Proposals are due by November 29, 2024.
Want to understand your veterinary practice’s environmental footprint? Tillwell has created a free Environmental Impact Calculator specifically for veterinary clinics.
Takes just 30 seconds:
Try the calculator:
This free tool helps clinics understand their current environmental impact and potential savings through sustainable alternatives. Results are sent directly to your clinic email.
Provided by Tillwell
The annual Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program Call for Applications will be launched during the week of November 18, 2024, and will close on December 19, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time).
Don’t wait to apply! This year the CSJ Call for Applications will end before the new year. Don’t risk missing the deadline and apply early for Canada Summer Jobs funding! Are You Ready? The CSJ program will once again aim to support 70,000 quality jobs for youth during the 2025 summer season. Not-for-profit employers can receive a wage subsidy up to 100% of the current provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage. Public and private sector employers are eligible to receive a wage subsidy of up to 50% of the current provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage. Are you ready to:
If so, stay tuned for the launch of Canada Summer Jobs 2025 by visiting the CSJ website! How to Apply If you already have an existing Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account simply log in to your account and apply, once the Call for Applications is open. If you do not have a GCOS account, create your account today! If you are unsure whether you or someone in your organization created an account, or if your organization is already registered, please contact us. Initiating a duplicate account for your organization can cause delays in completing the validation process by Service Canada which enables you to become a fully registered user. To create a GCOS account you will have to take note of your Organization ID and User Reference Number (URN) for future reference. Please watch the video to learn more about creating and managing a GCOS account: GCOS video Creating a GCOS account is a one-time process and allows you to apply for CSJ and other funding opportunities with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) in a secure web environment. Your GCOS account allows you to:
Register today for your GCOS account and be ready to apply for CSJ 2025 this November! For more information or assistance with your GCOS account: Visit: For more information:
L’appel de demandes annuel pour Emplois d’été Canada (EEC) sera lancé au cours de la semaine du 18 novembre 2024 et se terminera le 19 décembre 2024 à 23h59 (Heure du Pacifique). Ne tardez pas à soumettre votre demande ! Cette année l’appel de demandes EEC se terminera avant la nouvelle année. Évitez de manquer la date limite et déposez votre demande de financement tôt ! Êtes-vous prêt ? Le programme EEC aura à nouveau comme objectif de financer 70 000 emplois de qualité pour les jeunes durant la période estivale 2025. Les organismes à but non lucratif peuvent recevoir une contribution salariale pouvant atteindre 100 % du salaire horaire minimum en vigueur dans la province ou le territoire. Tandis que les employeurs des secteurs public et privé seront admissibles à une contribution salariale pouvant aller jusqu’à 50 % du salaire horaire minimum en vigueur dans la province ou le territoire. Êtes-vous prêt à :
Si oui, restez à l’affut du lancement d’Emplois d’été Canada 2025 en visitant le site web EEC ! Comment soumettre une demande de financement Si vous avez déjà un compte des Services en ligne de subventions et contributions (SELSC), veuillez simplement vous y connecter afin de présenter votre demande de financement lorsque l’appel de demandes sera lancé. Si vous n’avez pas de compte SELSC, veuillez en créer un dès maintenant! Si vous ne savez pas si vous ou quelqu’un de votre organisation a créé un compte, ou si votre organisation est déjà inscrite, veuillez communiquer avec nous. Amorcer l’ouverture d’un deuxième compte peut entraîner des retards dans l’achèvement du processus de validation par Service Canada qui vous permet de devenir un utilisateur pleinement enregistré. Afin de créer un compte SELSC vous devrez prendre en note le numéro de référence d’utilisateur (NRU) et l’ID de l’organisation qui vous sera attribué pour votre consultation future. Veuillez visionner cette vidéo pour en apprendre davantage sur la création et la gestion d’un compte SELSC : Vidéo SELSC La création d’un compte SELSC est un processus unique et vous permet de présenter une demande à Emplois d’été Canada et à d’autres opportunités de financement auprès d’Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC) dans un environnement Web sécurisé. Les SELSC vous permettent de :
Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui pour obtenir un compte SELSC et soyez prêt à soumettre une demande EEC 2025 en novembre! Pour obtenir un complément d’information ou de l’aide avec votre compte SELSC : Consultez Pour plus de renseignements :
Ce message a été approuvé par Service Canada. This message has been approved by Service Canada. Contactez nous si vous souhaitez désabonner./Contact us if you wish to unsubscribe. |
You are invited to take part in the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) class of 2025’s Veterinary Industry Day, more commonly known as VIP Day.
Each year the graduating class of the WCVM hosts VIP day for fellow students to gain access to the many services available to veterinary students and future veterinarians. This event helps to educate our students and connect them with the wide variety of individuals involved in veterinary medicine. As a vendor, you would be able to share your products and services firsthand with students of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine.
The day is designed to help facilitate networking between our students and vendors. We do this by having various booths set up throughout the college where our vendors can freely interact personally with students as they walk around.
This year’s VIP day will take place at the WCVM on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Set up can begin at 7:30 a.m., with students in and out of classes starting at 8 a.m. A light breakfast and lunch with snacks throughout the day will be provided for vendors.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the attached registration form and email it back no later than March 3, 2025. The event helps raise funds for our class, and is an excellent avenue for your company to network with students. We ask for a donation fee which includes the overhead costs to run the event (equipment, food, parking, etc.) and a contribution to our graduation fund.
Thank you so much for your time and continued support of our veterinary students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or at 204-679-5032. Please note that we are on clinical rotations, so although we may be delayed, we will return your call/email as soon as possible.
WCVM VIP Day 2025 Registration Form
Hayley Jenkins & Evanna Lai
VIP Day 2025 Coordinators
Class of 2025
On Tuesday, October 15, the incredibly gracious and knowledgeable team at Assiniboine Park Zoo welcomed WCVM and U of M Pre-Vet students for an insightful experience into the world of zoo veterinary care. The morning provided a fantastic glimpse into the important veterinary work being done here in Manitoba. A special highlight was meeting some amazing animals, including the seals, polar bears, and even the office skunk!
A heartfelt thank you to Council Member Dr. Gwenda Olson for attending, and to Dr. Charlene Berkven for organizing this memorable visit. We are also deeply grateful to Dr. Andrea Nace, Dr. Sandie Black, Dr. Abby Henry, and RVT Desiree Majure for their time and expertise.